Sunday, June 29, 2008

Preparing the Battlefield

Seymour Hersh says Bush is bound and determined to stop Iran's military nuclear program. He seems to think that's a bad thing. It isn't. And no matter what his supporters say about it today, President Obama will be very glad his predecessor did this. I remember the Cold War and I'm just tired of that kind of shit. Let's take the fuckheads out now, whoever they are, while we still can, while the risk of incinerating millions of people is still relatively low. I honor Hersh for speaking up about My Lai and Abu Ghraib, but this is different. Covert ops were a major part of enabling the Soviet collapse. Let it continue. What's good for the U.S. is good for mankind. Now if only those fuckers in the press understood that and knew when to keep their fucking mouths shut.