Sunday, June 15, 2008


This blog is my vent. And at this moment, my rant is that they should leave Michelle Obama the fuck alone. She's her own person and entitled to be her own person. And she's not running for President. And she's hot. And people who go after the candidate's spouse are dickless fruitcakes with no judgment or decency. I'd love to see how they'd look under the same brutal spotlight. Not very pretty at all. I'm with these guys:

John McCain: "I've never met her, Mrs. Obama, she's a talented and a very effective person."

Barack Obama: "These folks should lay off my wife, all right?"


Paula said...

I guess I don't see why. A first lady should be able to take it. First kids are different. They have no choice in the matter -- unless they're adults and campaining for their parent. And I think it'd be great to rag on Cindy McCain, too. What exactly does she invest in to make $6 million a year?

Don said...

Of course they have to be able to take it. But it's b.s. anyway. As for Cindy, if she can make that much and stay out of court, she's a lot smarter than I'll ever be.