Wednesday, January 23, 2008


What the hell. It's already late January.

It will be Clinton vs McCain, with McCain winning the Presidency.

This does not reflect a personal preference, nor a careful study of the candidates and issues. It's all gut.

Obama and Clinton are the only viable Democrats at this time. Edwards is too far behind and simply lacks the exciting appeal of being black or female. Of course, Obama and Clinton have solid messages as well but in this race, this year, the white boy is out of the running regardless. Obama will then falter, as more voters use Clinton's supposed experience and depth to excuse their distrust of a junior senator of a certain demographic.

The GOP likes McCain despite his lack of appeal amongst hard-core conservatives. They respect his service and his relatively unwavering positions. Huckabee will flame out soon, and McCain simply has more gravitas than the good-looking Mormon or the baggage-laden Mr. 9-11 -- and will be a safer bet against any Democrat.

Come November, uncertain times will compel many people to vote security -- not national security, on which Mrs. Clinton is sufficient, but at a personal level. They will waver between making history with a woman President, and holding off against what they perceive as personal weaknesses that a future female candidate might not share. McCain will seem at the time a safer choice, even if for many the real choice was subconsciously sexist.

I Have Spoken.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Gun Control Moment

"Two people had to lose their lives for me to be a hero. I'd never want this for me or anyone else." -- Sac Bee

A reminder that handguns are tools which, when not in the hands of idiots and criminals, serve a purpose all truly responsible adults understand. Much better, of course, that the man with the knife was properly treated, as evidently he was not. But failing that, he killed one too many and was without any doubt a danger to several more.