Monday, April 7, 2008

Stubbing Out the Spirit

I'm sad that the Olympics have become so irrevocably politicized. It will be very unlikely henceforth for any Olympic Games to avoid descending into nationalist posturing and anti-nationalist protesting. Sure, China deserves a black eye. But the Olympic Spirit should be allowed to rise above all that and represent the striving and the discipline of the common man and woman turned athlete. We should try and ignore the specifics of any country involved, and simply celebrate a bringing together of disparate peoples.

Maybe, after this trend has run its course over the next half century or so, the Olympics can be decoupled from nationalism. Maybe, instead of countries and nations, the original Greek city-sates can find their modern representation in either countries or self-identified regions, with identification as an Olympic participant limited by a cap on population. Of course, this would encourage far more heated rivalries within countries than ever existed between them, but what the hell.

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