Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Democrat: Iraq Makes US More Vulnerable

The top Democrat on the House Armed Services panel says the Bush administration has not allocated sufficient resources to protect the nation from attack.

Missouri Democrat Ike Skelton said the effort in Iraq is preventing the U.S. from effectively preparing for other conflicts and putting at risk the United States' ability to defeat those most likely to attack. -- / AP News
This is absolute bollocks. Iraq, however badly executed, is in fact an investment to prevent far worse conflicts in the future. Nor is it causing those conflicts to be worse. History shows repeatedly that perception of the rightness of a cause is closely tied to its success. Only if we cave in will history regard us as the evil perpetrators. Stay the course, allow Iraq to evolve as it is evolving, and we'll find it never led to the sort of attack the Democrat is speaking of.


Paula said...

Hmm, I don't know. We haven't had a coordinated attack here since 9/11, but at this point I have very little confidence that the current admin gets much credit for that, given the horrible state of our borders and the fact that peeps are constantly exposing the weaknesses of the TSA. I do think border and air security should be a tippy-top priority. OTOH, I'm not one of those who think we should just jump out of Iraq and leave it to rot. Why does it have to be one or the other? Raise taxes and do it all!

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