Friday, December 21, 2007


I'm sympathetic to Ron Paul and his libertarian principles.

I appreciate Romney's phenomenal record as a manager and his proven willingness to cross the aisle.

I stand with McCain regarding Iraq, possibly on immigration (don't know enough), global warming.

No one else worth commenting on. That includes the Dems, I just don't care yet.

Paul can't get elected, indeed he mustn't. But his popularity is a welcome message that fewer and fewer people will tolerate business as usual. I'm hoping he'll take all that money and make a 3rd Party bid, though of what party I don't know. Indeed, it wouldn't surprise me if he took a last-minute party-loyal stance and stood down at some point.

Romney would be all right except he remains as ambivalent as most of the rest on the waterboarding thing. Torture is torture and we shouldn't use it, end of story.

Which is how McCain feels.

So I'm hoping McCain lasts long enough for me to vote for him. Maybe the Governator will endorse him. That would be great.

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